Tuesday, August 4, 2009

this is old news actually. in conjunction of my 36th birthday i had 2 birthday party surprises. d 1st one by my neighbour who also d kids babysitter. she took all d trouble 2 cook 4 me n also order cake 2 celebrate d auspicious day. quite embarassing actually since d other neighbours keep on give remarks on how "old" i am 2 hv a birthday celebration. anyway i was quite touch by her kindness since my hubby not around.
d next day my entire 5sc1 manage 2 fool me with their superb acting; muaz and zufar that is. actually i was about 2 cry when amirah told me that both of them were fighting. many bad things conjured up in my mind. so glad that it was only acting. i'm deeply touch with d work that they done in order to celebrate my birthday. thanx 2 d masterminds: nadra n nur aina. even though i always nag all of u but deep down inside me i treat all of u as my children. i wish all of u d best in ur future undertakings. i'll treasure d moment that i spend trying 2 educate all of u 2 become better individuals.